- Master system is unencrypted and therefore able to save, read and write files independently without being tied to or dependent on any other machine. For most a Master system is the logical choice if they intend to develop their tuning career.
- Slave system does almost everything that a Master system does except that whoever sells you or is the Master to the slave is the only able to supply you MOD files that will work with your machine. (Files for slave machines are encrypted and only files from your own Master will work).
So, after reading a file with a Master device, how to make adjustments in order to change the operation of the engine?
ECM Titanium is the software that allows you to interpret the files stored inside the Engine Control Unit used on cars, trucks, bikes and boat. Easily, accurately, independently and with great reliability. Our software will show you, using grids and specific graphics, all the parameters that can be edited.
Simply modifying a number or altering a curve you will customize your file or remove limiters! Increase engine performance or saving on consumption has never been so easy.
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